Our state bed & breakfast association, Preferred Inns of New Jersey, prints an annual guide featuring all participating B&B’s. On the Welcome page they explain they require each Inn to meet professional guidelines and pass thorough inspections. They also list suggestions for a first time guests at a B&B. Since we are next to Mountain Creek Ski & Waterpark and very near Crystal Springs Resort we have many first time B&B guests that choose to stay with us rather than the higher priced hotels at the resorts. I have always thought this list was a great idea and I am excited to share it:
- Communicate your special needs to the Innkeepers, i.e., dietary, allergies, etc.
- Ask if the Innkeeper has pets or if guests may have pets and children
- Ask about check-in and check-out times and please communicate if your expected arrival time changes dramatically.
- Most B&B’s are owner operated and do not maintain a 24 hour desk
- Ask if there are late arrival procedures
- Please do ask about the following:
- Cancellation policies
- Smoking policies
- Amenities; Robes, hair dryers, air conditioning, etc.
- Emergency contact procedures
- Guest common areas
- Breakfast procedures; serving times, menus, etc.
- Things to do in the area and area restaurants
Most of this information is available on each B&B’s website so please take the time to read all the information they have provided. Innkeepers are eager to make your stay enjoyable and memorable so let them know if this is your first time at a B&B.
Here is the link to get a free copy of the Preferred Inns of New Jersey 2012/2013 directory.